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key figures – Bouregreg
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Key figures

With a national and a symbolic importance, this project is also innovative by its method of financing and institutional arrangements.

Urban management

Authorization requests instruction.

In urban management, 2015 was marked by a slight decline of authorization requests compared to the previous year, which had a direct impact on the number of authorizations granted. Similarly, this year was the filing of the first applications for building permits at the ounkjmel sector. Thus, 73 building permits and subdivision permits were issued until December of 2015.

The distribution of all issued permits and licenses, by municipality is as follows:
• 64 at the Urban Municipality of Sale, including 51 in the District H’ssaine, 11 at the District Lamrissa, and 2 to Bettana District.
• 6 at the Urban Municipality of Rabat, Hassan District 5 and 1 in the district El Youssoufiya.

Licenses delivered in the restructuration areas of Kariat Ouled Moussa

48 licenses have been issued in terms of Ouled Moussa Qariat restructuring sectors, representing 73% of total authorizations granted during the year 2015. These constructing licenses can be divided as follows:
• 23 building licenses for new construction on vacant land;
• 19 building licenses related to raised structures and existing changes;
• 6 licenses of projects modifications already authorized by the AAVB.
• 0 subdivision licenses;
• These permits are allocated according to the Qariat Ouled Moussa restructuring sectors, as follows:
• 06-level of ZR-8 Hay al Bassatine sector, representing 12%.
• 06-level of ZR-7c Hay al Amal sector, representing 12%.
• 25-level of ZR-7d Hay Al Wahda sector, representing 53%
• 11-level of ZR-7a Hay Assafae¨ sector, representing 23%.

Licenses delivered in the restructuring sector Ounkjmel 5 building permits were issued at the Ounkjmel sector and, due to the very low number of filings for this area.
Permits issued in other sectors of the PAS:

20 licenses distributed across geographic areas and nature as follows:
• 07 groupes d’habitations dont 1 ensemble immobilier de villas au niveau du plateau de H’saine et 6 ensemble immobiliers au niveau du projet Bab • 07 housing groups including 1 property complex of villas at the H’saine tray and 6 all real estate at the Bab Al Bahr project, sequence I, Salé (lots N03, N05, N06, N09, N10, N11) ;
• 3 building permits at the historic areas of the Bouregreg valley including the Kasbah of Oudayas;
• 5 building permits at the sequence I Bab Al Bahr including 2 for the construction of a multifunctional urban center in lots 20 and 21 of the fifth neighnorhood ;
• 2 building permits at the sequence II, AL Sahat Al Kabira including one for the construction of the Grand Theatre in Rabat and the other concerning the reconstruction of Dawliz project;
• 01 modifying building permit at the sequence level III, city of potters, Salé (vilarmar complex);
• 01 building permit at Youssoufia (source Poste Akreuch).

Housing permits, conformity certificates and provisional acceptance

• 5 occupation license and a provisional acceptance certificate of the subdivision work “Fath Allah” at the ZR-8 restructuring zone Qariatouled Moussa Salé.
Control of urban planning offenses
• Following the sixth paragraph of Article 38 of Law 16-04, related to the organization and the development of the Bouregreg valley, the Agency is responsible, in its territory intervention to ensure compliance with the laws and town planning regulations and monitor compliance subdivisions, grinds, groups of dwellings and buildings, with the laws and regulations in force and with the subdivision permissions, to parcel and to create groups of houses or building permits.
• The evaluation of the activities conducted by the AAVB maintained of this year, in the matter of the control, can be summarized in the following table :

Municipality District Control tours number Sectors number Infringements number
Rabat Hassan 24 4 7
Youssoufia 2 1 2
Total Rabat 26 5 9
Sale H’ssaine 55 13 11
Lamrissa 13 05 03
Bettana 4 1 1
Total Sale 72 19 15
Total general 98 24 20

Moreover, local authorities had expressed nearly 257 written records of town planning offenses, mainly concerning cases of elevations, modifications or developments of existing buildings at Qariat Ouled and Ounk J’mel Moussa restructuring sectors.

All such minutes, were the subject of motions filed by the AAVB, with the public prosecutor to initiate legal proceedings against offenders, or have been returned to those authorities for further information or records and in accordance with established procedures.

Information note

During the year 2015, AAVB issued 70 ratings information, as follows

Municipality District Information note number
Sale H’ssaine 31
Bettana 10
Lamrissa 11
Total Sale 48
Rabat Hassan 7
Youssoufia 11
Total Rabat 17
Total general 70

Following the paragraph 5 of Article 31 of Law 16-04, on the organization and development of the Bouregreg valley, and the Article 35 of Law 25- 90, on housing estates, groups of houses and grinds, the Director of the Agency delivers the administrative certificates certifying that the sale transaction, renting or sharing referred to in Article I of the 25-90 law does not fall within the scope of this law.

In this context, the Agency for the Development of the Bouregreg Valley, deliverded in 2015, 34 administrative certificates, including 15 at the QariatOuled Moussa restructuring areas, and 19 in other sectors the city of Salé.

The following table describes the distribution of administrative certificates granted by district and town:

Municipality District Administrative certificates number
Sale H’ssaine 21
Bettana 1
Lamrissa 10
Total Sale 32
Rabat Hassan 0
Youssoufia 2
Total Rabat 2
Total general 34